
Introduction to TEI XML

URFIST de Rennes, September 27-28 2021
During this 12-hours formation to the Text Encoding Initiative, the participants were given an introduction to XML, then to TEI, followed by several encoding exercises, in order to get them to understand how it works (encoding of metadata, body, text layout, named entities, etc.). Finally, the last part of the formation was a demonstration of few applications that can be made with TEI, such as transformation with XSLT and TEI Publisher.
Course program: https://sygefor.reseau-urfist.fr/#/training/8931/
Course repository : https://github.com/FloChiff/Introduction_TEI

Introduction to TEI XML

URFIST de Rennes, November 24-25 2022
During this 12-hours formation to the Text Encoding Initiative, the participants were given an introduction to XML and to TEI, followed by several encoding exercises, in order to get them to understand how it works (encoding of metadata, body, text layout, named entities, etc.). Finally, the last part of the formation was a demonstration of few applications that can be made with TEI, such as text mining with XPath and XQuery, transformation with XSLT and publication with TEI Publisher.
Course program: https://sygefor.reseau-urfist.fr/#/training/9717/11500
Course repository: https://github.com/FloChiff/Introduction_TEI_2022